OK, so Barry-O has been busy trying to figure out who is going to be in his cabinet, and has named some pretty important positions thus far; notably Chief of Staff, Attorney General and Secretary of Health and Human Services.
One thing to keep in mind -- Barry O will pretty much be able to select whoever he wants to fill any of these positions, his party has a clear majority in congress, and there is even a possibility the Senate could be filibuster proof by party lines. It is likelier to already be filibuster proof due to the rather amorphous nature of American Political Parties. People are elected, rather than parties, thus people from the other side of the aisle may help in blocking filibusters.
Alas, I digress.
Barry O has been nominating too many Clintonites into these seats of power. In fact, I can't really name anyone selected thus far (except maybe Daschle) who doesn't have a strong Clinton connection.
Barry O ran on the platform of change. He has yet to take the Oath of Office, and already things are looking a lot like 1998.
While this is still a welcome difference from the expected continuation of Neo-Cons if McCain had won -- yes, I know he isn't a neo-con, but his campaign was run by them, and in all likelihood he would have picked several to run his cabinet -- This is not what I voted for, and more importantly, this is not what America voted for.
If America wanted another Clinton Administration, America would have picked Hilary Clinton to be the Democratic Candidate. She lost, and now it seems all too real that she could end up being secretary of state. Scary proposition. When you pick one Clinton, you get both of them. While I admire Bill Clinton, and his presidency, now is not the time for him to be at the forefront of American politics. This administration was supposed to hand off the party to the next generation of Democrats, not bring back the old ones.
We don't need someone who can advise Barry O on foreign relations, write foreign policy etc -- Biden is also in office, remember, he can do that stuff. We need Obama-Biden policy, not Clinton-Clinton policy.
That's another thing, Biden is/has experience. I know Barry O wants to pick up a bunch of experienced, qualified people, but -- sometimes, in fact oftentimes, experience does not equal qualified.
I could continue on this matter, but the issue is grating upon me too much.
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