
Primaries, after the fact

So I was going to put up something about the results of the primaries in several states, including my own Pennsylvania, but fuggin side projects of re-doing parts of the house have stopped that.

so here's the important stuff

Arlen Specter lost -- Joe Sestak won

Ron Paul's son, Rand Paul won in Kentucky

An almost complete outsider won the Democratic spot for governor in PA

Pat Toomey won

A lot of incumbents lost everywhere

The interesting thing about the Governor in PA spot is there was no incumbent -- Ed Rendell has served the maximum amount of terms. But everything turned against whoever seemed to get support from incumbents or the establishment. Not to mention, the field was so wide open, votes were spread out. The mayor from Allegheny county ended up winning, possibly because there were too many Philadelphia candidates running.

In any case, more specific articles will follow on these results.

-- Knuttel

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