

So I had this idea in my head for quite some time now about doing this blog, and yet when I actually begin to write in it, I just do not plan it out.

I had an idea to write an entry about a post-mortem bump in sales. Specifically, I had in mind Tim Russert. As most of you know, he was a journalist who covered mostly political matters for national television stations. The specific one seems to escape me for the moment, though I think it's NBC. Regardless, he had two books published, both of which received a substantial increase in sales when news of his death had reached. One of the two, Big Russ and Me, was about his relationship with his father, and perhaps other fatherly relationships he has heard about -- I'm not entirely sure, not having read the book. Russert's death occured in close proximity to Father's day. So not only does Russert's work get a bump because he died, increasing exposure to his name over a short period of time, but his work gets a bump because it deals with a "holiday" (just not very big on the greeting card companies) that seems to happen right after his death.

I want to point out, I am not trying to make any conspiracies regarding Russert's death. I only feel I need to make this clarification because anyone who knows me knows my knack for finding/creating conspiracy theories (it is a fine line). This only happens to be a happy/sad coincidence (happy for sales, though much, much more sad for the loss).


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