
Knuttel's Bitch-ass Weaksauce Salsa

So I've been given the task of making salsa for thanksgiving, but my last batch, I guess, was too hot for everybody.

So while I still plan on bringing some of the old salsa to thanksgiving, I had to make a new batch.

"Please, please, please, we want your salsa but it's too hot, the Knuttel," they told me amidst their tears (yes, my family calls me the Knuttel).

Making a bitching bitch-ass weaksauce salsa is no small feat, so I had to use a lot of thinking stuff to figure out how to make it work.  Here is the recipe below.  I'll put a post-script or something about how it actually turned out.

NCAA Football, week 13, 2010

Even though there is sooooo much more to be discussed regarding the elections (there were many referenda (that's plural for referendum), especially regarding gun rights, sections of the recent healthcare bill, and one pretty large one regarding the possible legalization of a recreational drug; oh, and the democrats picked Pelosi to be the minority leader, that happenned too; and screw governor's races) I think it's time for me to again shift gears and to talk about college football, everyone's favorite subject.

This just in -- the BCS sucks.

I'm not just saying this because Penn State is doing awful this year (well, by Penn State standards), I'm saying this because it is fact.


Election Day 2010: Take 3: the House

And so I finally get around to talking about the elections regarding the House of Representatives.

To talk about the numbers results briefly -- the Democrats had a decent majority, took a thorough thumping, and now are the minority party to the Republicans.

Democrats who lost were mostly moderates who won their seats in 06 or 08, in the process of voting out Republicans.  Not very many incumbent Republicans lost their seats.


Election Day 2010: take 2: The Senate

Part 2 of a bit by bit breakdown of this year's election results.

"The Senate"

The Senate, as we are used to thinking, is the senior chamber of Congress.  Each Senator must appeal to an entire state during their election process, a concept which would seemingly breed more moderate candidates and elections.  In addition the 6 year term would arguably make each Senator more independent, both of their party and the electorate they represent, as they face their wrath far less frequently.

That being said, that is not what happened this year, not at all.


Election day 2010: take 1

So polls have closed in a good part of the country, I suppose it's time to put a few cents in.

Democrats have taken a pounding thus far, whether deserved or undeserved.  But that is usual business for mid-term elections -- the party in power usually loses; 2002 was an apparition (dare I say because of 9/11).

I'll analyze actual results later, as they actually come in and are finalized.

Early cable news coverage was awful.  They did nothing but quibble over EVERYTHING, and loudly at that (true to form, I suppose).  Once network tv coverage began, the scene mellowed, and the coverage was more sublime.  I guess around this time the cable news began to lose SOME of its fury, but it still remains loud whenever they want and for no apparent reason.

Regardless, it looks like party structure in general will be in some sort of disarray/change.  Whoever adapts better would appear to be better suited in 2012, not necessarily who is more productive.

-- Knuttel