
Joe Biden for Veep!

Having read the news online at about 1 O'clock in the morning/midnight-ish, I was one of the first to hear about it. I believe the websites all said something to the effect of posted 10 minutes ago.

In any case...

At this moment in time, this cements my voting for Obama, as a way of voting for Biden. While I didn't hate Obama during the primaries, my first choices were the oft neglected Representative Dennis Kucinich, Governor Bill Richardson, and Senator Joe Biden. Of the three front runners (Obama, Hilary, and Edwards), Obama was the only one I didn't want to see run in front of a speeding bus/truck/train.

Hilary is too Clinton, even with the Rodham. She's set in her ways as a politician of the 80's and 90's, when Bill was Governor and then President. Furthermore, I didn't appreciate her tearing away at Obama's experience, when in fact I think she had only two more years of Senatorial experience -- I think, though may be wrong, that she started in '02, while he started in '04. Being the wife of a political bigshot, no matter how involved you are, simply allows you to bypass the electoral process. Essentially she had alot of experience as a bureaucrat then.

Edwards, where to begin ... Simply put, his only shot of getting elected to anything is on the national stage. He only had one elected term as Senator, and that is all of his governmental political experience. His home state of North Carolina would never re-elect him to any sort of position, well, maybe representative from the Raleigh-Durham, or maybe Ashville, area. After his one stint as senator, where the only thing I can recall him doing was being part of the Clinton impeachment proceedings. Before being a senator he had stints as an ambulance chaser and was also part of a hedgefund. So pretty much, before being the "most liberal" senator of the south, he tried as hard as he could to be the most despicable human being in the world. Tell me, how does being part of a hedgefund help the labor movement? POSER. So what if he came from nothing. Until he wanted a political career, he spent every waking moment trying to erase that fact.

Both of those two, I would suspect, would try and do anything to become President of the United States of America. I still remember when I voted for Kerry/Edwards '04 (simply to vote against Bush/Cheney, I will NEVER vote AGAINST someone again) I felt as if part of me was dieing, as half of that vote essentially went to him. The other half of that vote wasn't much better off. As much is made of Bush being an idiot, Kerry actually had a significantly worse GPA than Bush at Yale, while I'm not one to make a big deal about GPA, for someone with the intellectual appearance of Kerry, I can't help but think about how little caring for school work that would have required.

But enough talking about how much the other Democratic candidates sucked horse balls, the important thing is now I don't have to try and find a third party candidate to vote for.

Next post, why Obama/Biden is/will be better than McCain and his running mate.

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