
Knuttel poetry break

So for some incredibly inexplicable reason I decided to pick poetry back up. I know, I know, poetry goes on the other blog, but whatevs, that one's obsolete, forever tied to an obsolete email address (my psu account).

I never really was a fan of editing poetry, so here's the night's first attempt.
working title -- wrapped and bound (it really, really is a working title)

Upon the streets
I walk
Into the darkness

Until we meet
I sulk
Inside this sweetness

And when the day comes, forever madness
Fates have been judged by all we haven’t done

The setting sun
It sinks
Into its ashes

The rising moon
Shall glow
Inside the hollow

The hollow of the hallowed night is right
It burns inside our empty chambers now

We cannot be filled
We cannot be filled

The heavy are slow
The full cannot move

-- Knuttel

and for some real amusement, space cowboy

soon should be a post on the current state of college football

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