

Some interesting changes for the Cuban economy

The tourism thing shouldn't affect the mainstream Cuban economy too much. It should mostly just create some strips of beach that will turn into tourism destinations. When all is said and done, this part of the change allows foreign investors to lease land owned by the government (really, all of Cuba); the government will not sell-out the people. If, however, we begin to see large-scale renovations in downtown Havana for the sole purpose of tourism, then I would be totally wrong.

The second part seems tied to the first, though I don't know how successful that would be. I see it as an opportunity to sell their produce to tourists, but I foresee these tourism locations could become walled off cities. I dunno, I, as an American, haven't been to Cuba.

Moreso than anything else, it would be interesting to sit back and watch how this would change Cuba and its economy.

-- Knuttel

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