
I guess there's egg all over their face...


Yeah, so this story is old, so what.

Outbreaks like these shouldn't even be an issue. However, the industry itself failed.

Runny yolks should be safe to eat whenever. Runny yolks are a mainstay of soooooo many egg dishes, it's frankly just incredulous that the industry is even suggesting such a thing.

I'm not saying we should all be able to eat raw eggs whenever we want (it would be nice, a man can hope), but the fact that the industry is blaming its outbreak on how people prepared the eggs the industry shipped out, before hinting of such an outbreak, is evil and unreconcilable on so many levels.

Maybe I'll just grow my own eggs. I can get a chicken, and if it's a rooster, instead of laying eggs I'll excercise lil' jerry and put him in competitions.

-- Knuttel

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