
Goddamnit, Man Up America


From a pure casting standpoint, I only really care that Captain America be played by an American, and I would prefer Wolverine to be played by a Canadian.  Last time I checked, Captain America is being played by an American, and Wolverine, well, let's not go there.

The fact that Supes isn't played by an American now, I mean, ok, the character is supposed to have that all-American aww shucks kinda demeanor, but that's just acting.  Superman is kryptonian.  He isn't American.  And as far as Batman being played by a Welshman, whatever so long as the acting chops are there.  Side note, it would be interesting if Bale used his natural Welsh accent for Batman.

As a trend, this is disconcerting, for all of the reasons listed.

I submit myself, adonis that I am, to rectify these issues.

I know, you may say, but Knuttel, your acting experience is minimal, you should be utilizing your talents behind the camera.  -- I KNOW THIS.  But this situation needs to be fixed, so I'm gonna have to do some Orson Welles up in this bitch.

-- Knuttel

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