

The Paradox of Corporate Taxes in America - NYTimes.com

Sooooo, looks like not that much is getting cut from the budget ... and everyone is unwilling to raise taxes or close deductions.  So how exactly is the budget gonna balanced?

I look at it this way, these corporations are paying a portion of this money (not all, that would be ridiculous) to employ people who know these loopholes and can exploit them.

Not to mention anyone who's in the top tax bracket is also probably very much aware of these tax breaks.  I still remember a moment in the 2004 Presidential debates where Kerry called Bush out on not paying a lot of taxes due to his status as a small business owner, having a small logging business or whatever.  The specifics aren't really necessary here, and to my recollection, they weren't even proven or refuted back then; they became a throwaway line.

So how can we have it both ways like this?  How can the government get accused of unfairly levying exorbitant taxes upon the wealthy people and corporations, only to have them pay a token cost.

I wonder how much they'd actually bitch and moan if we cut their subsidies too.  Free handout welfare whores my ass, they're just as guilty.  It would balance the budget...

-- Knutel

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