
Knuttel Makes Real Beer: Day 9, bottling

So I haven't really been playing my beer music since I started taking gravity readings.  All the movement just kinda makes it inconvenient to keep putting the speakers back and such.

Regardless, today, Presidents day 2011, was bottling day.

I determined it was bottling day by confirming that fermentation was done by taking gravity readings on 3 consecutive days.  If it is the same, this means it is done.  If there is a change, then fermentation may have went dormant for a day or two then restarted.  If bottling is done before fermentation is complete, then you end up with a bottle bomb -- a bottle filled with so much air and pressure that it can explode into many pieces, sending glass shrapnel, upon opening.

During one of the gravity readings I snapped a picture of a sample on my phone, but presentation gets an F-, so the picture is not getting put up.

I have also determined, using gravity readings from before fermentation and after, that the beer is around 5% abv.

It definitely has a distinct rye smell, very "spicy".  Perhaps I shall name it "Heart of the Sun-Ryes" after the Yes! song of the similar name.

I produced 31(.5) bottles, before I started picking up sediment and other unsavory things.

Next up will likely be an idea for a doppelbock I have.  Man, I can't wait till spring is actually really here, so I can try out  making a saison.

-- Knuttel

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