
Knuttel Makes Beer: Day 5

So I haven't had the opportunity/time to properly play music for my beer the past two days due to work-related issues, but I assume its all gonna be fine.  Tomorrow I will test to see how close it is to bottling.

Tomorrow I may also attempt construction of what is known as a mash tun.  A mash tun is used to extract the sugars from grains (barley, etc) to make the wort.  If I ever want to do any all-grain kind of brewing, I would need this.  And let's be honest, I do not want to keep making beer from a can.  That is not beer.  It's like making cake from a box.  Technically you just mixed it and put it in the oven (or in beer's case, cooked the wort a lil and set up fermentation).  I just want to take pride in a product that is all mine.

That being said, I believe I may have created a mathematically perfect beer recipe.  It will be the first one I test, but I will only make it in 2.5 gallon format, not the 5 that is deemed standard.  I am also debating whether I should make the heavier (probably very heavy) 6.6 abv version or the about 5 abv version.

Guess I'll figure it out.

-- Knuttel

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